Class Summary | |
AsTest | |
BatchTest | Simple test suite to exercise batch execution. |
BlobImpl | An in-memory or disk based representation of binary data. |
CachedResultSet | A memory cached scrollable/updateable result set. |
CallableStatementTest | |
CharsetInfo | Loads and stores information about character sets. |
ClientSideCursorTest | Test case to illustrate use of Cached cursor result set. |
ClobImpl | An in-memory or disk based representation of character data. |
ColInfo | Instances of this class serve as descriptor for result set columns. |
ConnectionJDBC2 | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface. |
ConnectionJDBC2UnitTest | Unit test for the ConnectionJDBC2 class. |
ConnectionJDBC2UnitTest.Test_ConnectionJDBC2_unpackProperties | Class used to test net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ConnectionJDBC2.unpackProperties(Properties) . |
ConnectionJDBC3 | Implements JDBC 3.0 specific functionality. |
ConnectionJDBC3Test | JDBC 3.0-only tests for Connection. |
ConnectionJDBC3Test.testTimerStopHelper | Helper class for test for bug [2871274]. |
CSUnitTest | |
DatabaseMetaDataJDBC3Test | Test JDBC3 extensions to DatabaseMetaData . |
DatabaseMetaDataTest | Test DatabaseMetaData . |
DatabaseMetaDataTypeInfoTest | Tests for DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo(). |
DatabaseTestCase | |
DateTime | Encapsulates Sybase date/time values and provides conversions to and from Java classes. |
DefaultProperties | Container for default property constants. |
DefaultPropertiesTester | Abstract class used to test the default properties set on a variety of methods. |
DefaultPropertiesTestLibrary | Library for testing default properties. |
DefaultPropertiesUnitTest | Unit tests for the DefaultProperties class. |
Driver | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.Driver interface. |
DriverUnitTest | Unit tests for the Driver class. |
DriverUnitTest.Test_Driver_getPropertyInfo | Class used to test Driver.getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) . |
DriverUnitTest.Test_Driver_setupConnectProperties | Class used to test Driver.setupConnectProperties(String, java.util.Properties) . |
EncodingTest | |
GenKeyTest | Test case to illustrate JDBC 3 GetGeneratedKeys() function. |
JDBC3Test | Test for miscellaneous JDBC 3.0 features. |
JtdsCallableStatement | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.CallableStatement interface. |
JtdsDatabaseMetaData | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface. |
JtdsPreparedStatement | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.PreparedStatement interface. |
JtdsResultSet | jTDS Implementation of the java.sql.ResultSet interface supporting forward read only result sets. |
JtdsResultSetMetaData | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface. |
JtdsStatement | jTDS implementation of the java.sql.Statement interface. |
LargeLOBTest | |
LOBTest | |
LOBTest.RealInputStream | Implements an InputStream that only returns a limited
number of bytes on read (less than the requested number of bytes).
Messages | Support class for Messages.properties . |
MessagesPropertiesUnitTest | Unit tests for the Messages.properties file. |
MessagesPropertiesUnitTest.TestDescriptionHasProperty | Tests that a given description key has a matching property key in
Messages.properties . |
MessagesPropertiesUnitTest.TestPropertyHasDescription | Tests that a given property key has a matching description key in
Messages.properties . |
MetaDataTestCase | Base class for meta data test cases. |
MSCursorResultSet | This class extends the JtdsResultSet to support scrollable and or updateable cursors on Microsoft servers. |
MSSqlServerInfo | This class communicates with SQL Server 2k to determine what ports its instances are listening to. |
NamedPipeUnitTest | Unit tests for the SharedNamedPipe class. |
NtlmAuth | This class calculates the two "responses" to the nonce supplied by the server as a part of NTLM authentication. |
NtlmAuthTest | Unit test for NTLM challenge/response calculation |
ParameterMetaDataImpl | jTDS implementation of ParameterMetaData .
ParamInfo | This class is a descriptor for procedure and prepared statement parameters. |
PreparedStatementTest | |
PreparedStatementTest.TestMultiThread | Inner class used by PreparedStatementTest.testMultiThread() to
test concurrency. |
ProcEntry | Stores information about a cached stored procedure or statement handle. |
ReadTextTest | Test case to illustrate use of READTEXT for text and image columns. |
RequestStream | Class to implement an output stream for the server request. |
ResponseStream | Implements an input stream for the server response. |
ResponseStream.TdsInputStream | Simple inner class implementing an InputStream over the
server response. |
ResultSetTest | |
SAfeTest | |
SanityTest | Some simple tests just to make sure everything is working properly. |
SavepointImpl | Savepoint implementation class. |
SavepointTest | |
Semaphore | Simple semaphore class used to serialize access requests over the network connection. |
SharedLocalNamedPipe | This class implements inter-process communication (IPC) to the database server using local named pipes (will only work on Windows). |
SharedNamedPipe | This class implements inter-process communication (IPC) to the database server using named pipes. |
SharedSocket | This class manages the physical connection to the SQL Server and serialises its use amongst a number of virtual sockets. |
SharedSocket.VirtualSocket | This inner class contains the state information for the virtual socket. |
SQLDiagnostic | Helper class for handling SQL warnings and errors. |
SQLParser | Process JDBC escape strings and parameter markers in the SQL string. |
SQLParser.CachedSQLQuery | Serialized version of a parsed SQL query (the value stored in the cache for a parsed SQL). |
StatementTest | |
SunTest | Test case to illustrate errors reported by SUN JBDC compatibility test suite. |
Support | This class contains static utility methods designed to support the main driver classes. |
SupportUnitTest | Unit tests for the Support class. |
Tds5Test | Test case to illustrate use of TDS 5 support. |
Tds8Test | Test case to illustrate use of TDS 8 support |
TdsCore | This class implements the Sybase / Microsoft TDS protocol. |
TdsCore.TableMetaData | Inner static class used to hold table meta data. |
TdsCore.TdsToken | Inner static class used to hold information about TDS tokens read. |
TdsData | Implement TDS data types and related I/O logic. |
TdsData.TypeInfo | This class implements a descriptor for TDS data types; |
TestBase | |
TimestampTest | test getting timestamps from the database. |
TimeZoneTest | Tests timezone conversions when setting and getting data to and from the database. |
TlsTest | Test for SSL TLS. |
TypeInfo | Represents an SQL data type as required by getTypeInfo() .
TypeInfoTest | Tests for the TypeInfo class. |
UniqueIdentifier | This class encapsulates the MS SQL2000 UniqueIdentifer data type. |
UnitTestBase | Base class for unit tests which do not connect to a database. |
UpdateTest | |
XASupport | This class contains static utility methods used to implement distributed transactions. |
XaTest | Test suite for XA Distributed Transactions. |
Exception Summary | |
ProtocolException | Exception class used to report errors in the TDS protocol. |